Archiving Bundles
Porter allows you to share bundles by publishing them to an OCI registry. Porter also allows you to copy a bundle from one registry to another. Using these commands, bundle users have flexibility in how they leverage published bundles. What if you want to use a published bundle on a disconnected or edge network that has limited connectivity? The porter archive
command and the porter publish
commands allow you to take the bundle from a registry on one network, move it to the network or location, and republish it into another registry for use within that environment. The generated bundle archive contains the CNAB bundle.json
, along with an OCI image layout containing the bundle image and any images declared in the images
section of the bundle.json
. This enables the entire bundle to be easily moved into a private data center or across an air-gapped network, and republished within that environment.
For a working example of how to move a bundle across an airgap, read Example: Airgapped Environments.
Generating a Bundle Archive With Porter
In order to generate the archive, all of the images in the bundle must have been published to a registry. For this reason, you must first publish
your bundle to a registry:
porter publish --reference jeremyrickard/porter-do-bundle:v0.5.0
Now you can run the porter archive
command and designate the archive file name and bundle tag to use:
porter archive --reference jeremyrickard/porter-do-bundle:v0.5.0 do-porter.tgz
This will generate a file in the directory named do-porter.tgz
Bundle Archive Format
The generated bundle archive is a CNAB thick bundle. Once you have a bundle archive, you can use the tar
command to examine the contents. If we examine the do-porter.tgz
generated above, we would see:
$ tar tvf do-porter.tgz
drwx------ 0 jeremyrickard staff 0 Oct 18 10:27 ./
drwxr-xr-x 0 jeremyrickard staff 0 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/
drwxr-xr-x 0 jeremyrickard staff 0 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/
drwxr-xr-x 0 jeremyrickard staff 0 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/
drwxr-xr-x 0 jeremyrickard staff 0 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 13488110 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/2ad9e0f64b8e37364f849ea7a19a7e405bf9fea6905cfcdfe4e4d796e2170e24
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 3952 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/3a065bb24678891307c08fa9555f76d7465afdfd22f7287547be950d270d3205
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 26855472 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/642b6ba3f53cf3870d3597fc53fe25af87baa6b089f02258e0078834c7723cf1
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 43658711 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/6e765adb926b303b0cd55c6984396e8124ffe1496e7eef559c75d3ddafa39693
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 2223 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/74b8622a8b7f09a6802a3fff166c8d1827c9e78ac4e4b9e71e0de872fa5077be
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 19643575 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/814a8fb9e6004c9cfa19f5a19e4d3d147219cb8a01ca1d4a3f78099e9181a106
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 1159 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/8f1133d81f1b078c865cdb11d17d1ff15f55c449d3eecca50190eed0f5e5e26f
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 45380663 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/9a0b0ce99936ce4861d44ce1f193e881e5b40b5bf1847627061205b092fa7f1d
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 5067 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/a121f14b1e214c94de2f6b3ab5dcab0f25a5bdc52bc33e7fed506468f5f516bd
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 50445916 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/ab8d0c1aab8051838635f6f77a91bd2bc91dfb88a2e607ae3bff4d35bdf9c9a9
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 70732768 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/c2274a1a0e2786ee9101b08f76111f9ab8019e368dce1e325d3c284a0ca33397
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 25952905 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/c251f693876471e137e1114afa83d0db9a45466755ab298ee9175660b56cd73b
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 50510171 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/c384021f2cd9fe8e1062f3b0567c0bd9e53cc9f9c69374615ca9bcf505c92ada
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 2757034 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/e7c96db7181be991f19a9fb6975cdbbd73c65f4a2681348e63a141a2192a5f10
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 621589 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/f3d4cde0abb9067fefe5d748b046b4c0fdc6dcfa3829edf72589d960602cca4a
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 50275925 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/f4a430fcc4abda7ae7d7161fb041d73cd2a9960a1822d67254ba839c96722f90
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 238 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/blobs/sha256/f910a506b6cb1dbec766725d70356f695ae2bf2bea6224dbe8c7c6ad4f3664a2
-rwxr-xr-x 0 jeremyrickard staff 798 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/index.json
-rwxr-xr-x 0 jeremyrickard staff 37 Oct 18 10:27 ./artifacts/layout/oci-layout
-rw-r--r-- 0 jeremyrickard staff 2955 Oct 18 10:27 ./bundle.json
In this archive file, you will see the bundle.json
, along with all of the artifacts that represent the OCI image layout. In this case, we had two images, the bundle image and an application image. They are both written to the artifacts/
directory as part of the OCI image layout.
Publish a Bundle Archive
Once you have a bundle archive, the next step to make it usable is to publish it to an OCI registry. To do this, the porter publish
command is used. Given our do-porter.tgz
bundle above, we can publish this to a new registry with the following command:
$ porter publish -a do-porter.tgz --reference
Starting to copy image
Completed image copy
Starting to copy image
Completed image copy
Bundle tag pushed successfully, with digest "sha256:1da3221ca38890d987791192e25f2634e195606f7d72bb2fea39c2865f503175"
This command will expand the bundle archive and copy each image up to the new registry. Once complete, you can use the bundle like any other published bundle:
porter explain
Name: spring-music
Description: Run the Spring Music Service on Kubernetes and Digital Ocean PostgreSQL
Version: 0.5.0
Name Description Required
do_access_token Access Token for Digital Ocean Account true
do_spaces_key DO Spaces API Key true
do_spaces_secret DO Spaces API Secret true
kubeconfig Kube config file with permissions to deploy app true
Name Description Type Default Required Applies To
database_name Name of database to create string jrrportertest false All Actions
helm_release Helm release name string spring-music-helm false All Actions
namespace Namespace to install Spring Music app string default false All Actions
node_count Number of database nodes integer 1 false All Actions
region Region to create Database and DO Space string nyc3 false All Actions
space_name Name for DO Space string jrrportertest false All Actions
Name Description Type Applies To
service_ip IP Address assigned to the Load Balancer string All Actions