
A bundle, as defined by the CNAB specification, is a standard packaging format for multi-component distributed applications. It allows packages to target different runtimes and architectures. It empowers application distributors to package applications for deployment on a wide variety of cloud platforms, providers, and services. Furthermore, it provides necessary capabilities for delivering multi-container applications in disconnected (airgapped) environments.

Bundle Operations

A bundle created by Porter can then be an OCI artifact which includes a docker image with the necessary files and development tools along with the bundle’s metadata and any other docker images used by the bundle. Once a bundle is built, it can be distributed using Docker / OCI registries. This allows you to use existing tools and infrastructure to share your application with other teams, customers, and end-users.

Because the bundle contains everything you need to deploy, included referenced images, you can even move a bundle into a disconnected or airgapped environment. When written with airgap deployments in mind, a bundle can be deployed anywhere without requiring access to the original network or the internet.

Once a bundle is installed, is tracked as an “installation” of the bundle. An installation is a record of which bundle was installed, the parameters used to customize the installation, previous runs of the bundle, the current version of the bundle, along with other useful metadata.

Example Bundle porter.yaml

schemaVersion: 1.0.0-alpha.1
name: examples/porter-hello
version: 0.2.0
description: "An example Porter configuration"
registry: ghcr.io/getporter

  - name: name
    type: string
    default: porter
    path: /cnab/app/foo/name.txt
      output: name

  - name: name
    path: /cnab/app/foo/name.txt

  - exec

  - exec:
      description: "Install Hello World"
      command: ./helpers.sh
        - install

  - exec:
      description: "World 2.0"
      command: ./helpers.sh
        - upgrade

  - exec:
      description: "Uninstall Hello World"
      command: ./helpers.sh
        - uninstall

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