
When you are authoring a bundle, you can define parameters that are required by your bundle. These parameters are restricted to a list of allowable data types and are used to define parameters such as username and password values for a backing database, or the region that a certain resource should be deployed in, etc. Then in your action’s steps you can reference the parameters using porter’s template language ${ bundle.parameters.db_name }.

When a bundle is executed, parameter values are resolved in a hierarchy of (from highest to lowest precedence):

  • Overrides specified either with the --param flag or by setting parameters directly on an installation resource
  • Parameter sets specified with the --parameter-set flag or by setting the parameter set name directly on an installation resource
  • Parameter values remembered from the last time the bundle was run
  • Defaults defined for the parameter in the bundle definition

Let’s use the hello-llama bundle from the Parameters QuickStart as an example and walk through the various ways that Porter will resolve the name parameter.

  1. The bundle has one parameter, name, and it has a default therefore we do not need to specify it when installing the bundle. Running porter install test -r uses the default value of “llama” for the name parameter.
  2. Now we can override that name using the --param flag, porter upgrade test --param name=sparkles.
  3. When we repeat the upgrade command without specifying the name parameter, the name parameter continues to be “sparkles” as specified the last time the bundle was run. You can see the last used parameter values for an installation with porter installation show.
  4. You can also override the name using a parameter set and using it during the upgrade, porter upgrade test --parameter-set hello-llama.

Parameter Sets

A Parameter Set is a file which maps parameters to their strategies for value resolution. Strategies include resolving from a source on the user’s machine such as an environment variable (env), filepath (path), command result (command) or simply the value itself (value). In addition, a parameter can have a secret source (secret). See the secrets plugin docs to learn how to configure Porter to use an external secret store.

Parameter Sets are created using the combination of porter parameters create and porter parameters apply. Afterwards a parameter set can be edited if changes are required. See porter parameters help for all available commands.

Now when you execute the bundle you can pass the name of the parameter set to the command using the --parameter-set or -p flag, e.g. porter install -p myparamset.

If you are creating parameter sets manually, you can use the Parameter Set Schema to validate that you have created it properly.

User-specified values

A user may also supply parameter values when invoking an action on the bundle. User-supplied values take precedence over both the bundle defaults and any included in a provided parameter set file. The CLI flag for supplying a parameter override is --param.

For example, you may decide to override the db_name parameter for a given installation via porter install --param db_name=mydb -p myparamset.

When a parameter’s bundle definition is set to sensitive=true, the user-specified value will be stored into a secret store to prevent security leakage. See the secrets plugin docs to learn how porter uses an external secret store to handle sensitive data.

Bundle defaults

The bundle author may have decided to supply a default value for a given parameter as well. This value would be used when neither a user-specified value nor a parameter set value is supplied. See the Parameters section in the Author Bundles doc for more info.

Q & A

Why can’t the parameter source be defined in porter.yaml?

See the helpful explanation in the credentials doc, which applies to parameter sources as well.
