Porter Manifest File Format 1.1.0

Bundle manifest file format version 1.1.0 is compatible with an unreleased version of Porter that supports the advanced dependencies feature (PEP003). This is a placeholder page to document the changes to the manifest, but this version of the schema is unreleased.


Support Dependencies v2 in the dependencies section.

  • Add dependencies.requires.DEP.bundle.interface which defines the child bundle interface.
  • Add dependencies.requires.DEP.bundle.credentials which specifies how to satisfy credentials on the child bundle.
  • Add dependencies.requires.DEP.sharing which specifies how a dependency can be shared with other bundles.
  • Add dependencies.provides which specifies how the bundle can satisfy a dependency, such as declaring that it provides a named bundle interface.


schemaType: Bundle
schemaVersion: 1.1.0
name: myapp
version: 1.0.0
description: Install my great application
registry: localhost:5000
reference: localhost:5000/myapp:v1.0.0
dockerfile: template.Dockerfile

  - name: Qi Lu
  - email: sal@example.com
  - name: Frank
    url: https://example.com/frank

    version: 1.2.3
    commit: abc123

  - docker:
      privileged: true

  - exec
  - helm3:
      clientVersion: 3.1.2

  - name: kubeconfig
    description: A kubeconfig with cluster admin role
    path: /root/.kube/config
  - name: token
      - release

  - name: log-level
    description: Log level for MyApp
    type: integer
      - install
      - upgrade
  - name: connstr
    description: MyApp database connection string
    type: string
    sensitive: true
      dependency: mysql
      output: admin-connstr
      - upgrade
      - status
  - name: release-name
    type: string
    env: RELEASE
    default: myapp

  - name: tfstate
    description: Store terraform state with the bundle instead of a remote backend
    path: terraform/terraform.tfstate

      id: "https://example.com/interfaces/#something"
    - name: mysql
        reference: getporter/mysql:v0.1.1
          id: "https://porter.sh/interfaces/#mysql"
        mode: group
          name: myapp
        database: myapp
        logLevel: ${bundle.parameters.log-level}
        kubeconfig: ${bundle.credentials.kubeconfig}
        admin-connstr: Server=${outputs.server};Database={outputs.database};Uid=admin;Pwd=${outputs.password};

  - name: app-token
    description: Access token for MyApp
    type: file
    path: /cnab/app/myapp_token
    sensitive: true
      - install
  - name: ip-address
    type: string

    repository: example/myapp
    digest: sha256:568461508c8d220742add8abd226b33534d4269868df4b3178fae1cba3818a6e

  - helm3:
      description: "Install MyApp"
      name: ${ bundle.parameters.release }
      chart: ./charts/myapp
      replace: true
        image.repository: ${ bundle.images.myapp.repository }
        image.digest: ${ bundle.images.myapp.digest }

  - helm3:
      name: ${ bundle.parameters.release }
      chart: ./charts/myapp
        image.repository: ${ bundle.images.myapp.repository }
        image.digest: ${ bundle.images.myapp.digest }

  - helm3:
      purge: true
        - ${ bundle.parameters.release }

  - exec:
      command: ./poke-myapp.sh

    description: See what's up in there
    modifies: false
    stateless: true

  - exec:
      command: ./status.sh


Field Required Description
schemaType false The type of document.
schemaVersion true The version of the Bundle schema used in this file.
name true The name of the bundle.
version true The version of the bundle, must adhere to semver v2.
The bundle tag defaults to the version with a v prefix, e.g. mybundle:v1.0.0. Use –tag or the reference field to override.
description false A description of the bundle.
registry true* The OCI registry to use when the bundle is published.
*Either registry or reference must be specified.
reference true* The full reference to use when the bundle is published to an OCI registry.
*Either registry or reference must be specified.
dockerfile false The relative path to a Dockerfile to use as a template during porter build.
maintainers false A list of maintainers for the bundle.
maintainers.name false Name of the maintainer.
maintainers.email false Email of the maintainer.
maintainers.url false Url of the maintainer.
custom false An object of custom bundle metadata.
required false A list of additional features required by the bundle.
required.docker false Indicate that the bundle requires a Docker host/daemon.
required.docker.privileged false Run the bundle in a privileged container.
mixins true A list of mixins used in the bundle. May include additional configuration settings depending on the mixin.
credentials false A list of credentials used by the bundle.
credentials.name true The name of the credential.
credentials.description false A description of the credential, how its used, and how to find it.
credentials.required false Indicates if the credential is required.
credentials.applyTo false A list of actions that apply to this item. When none are specified, all actions apply.
credentials.env true The environment variable name, such as MY_VALUE, into which the credential value is stored. Either env or path must be specified.
credentials.path true The path inside the bundle where the credential value is stored. Either env or path must be specified.
parameters false A list of parameters used by the bundle.
parameters.name true The name of the parameter.
parameters.description false A description of the parameter and how it is used.
parameters.default false The default value of the parameter. When no default is set, the parameter is required.
parameters.applyTo false A list of actions that apply to this item. When none are specified, all actions apply.
parameters.env true The environment variable name, such as MY_VALUE, into which the parameter value is stored. Either env or path must be specified.
parameters.path true The path inside the bundle where the parameter value is stored. Either env or path must be specified.
parameters.type true The parameter type. Allowed values are: string, number, integer, boolean, object, or file.
parameters.sensitive false Indicates whether this parameter’s value is sensitive and should not be logged.
parameters.source false Indicates that the parameter should get its value from an external source.
parameters.source.output true An output name. The parameter’s value is set to output’s last value.
parameters.source.dependency false The name of the dependency that generated the output. If not set, the output must be generated by the current bundle.
state false State variables that are generated by the bundle and injected on subsequent runs.
state.name true The name of this state variable
state.description false Description of how the variable is used by the bundle.
state.mixin false The name of the mixin that generates and manages this state variable.
state.path true The path inside of the bundle where the state variable data is stored.
outputs false A list of output values produced by the bundle.
outputs.name true The name of the output.
outputs.description false A description of the output and what it represents.
outputs.default false The default value of the output. When no default is set, the output is required.
outputs.applyTo false A list of actions that apply to this item. When none are specified, all actions apply.
outputs.path true The path inside the bundle where the output value is stored.
outputs.type true The output type. Allowed values are: string, number, integer, boolean, object, or file.
outputs.sensitive false Indicates whether this output’s value is sensitive and should not be logged.
images false A map of images referenced in the bundle. When the bundle is relocated, the referenced images are copied to the new bundle location.
images.KEY.description false A description of the image and how it is used.
images.KEY.repository true The repository portion of the image reference, i.e. docker.io/library/nginx
images.KEY.digest true The repository digest of the image, e.g. sha256:cafebabe…
dependencies false Other bundles that this bundle relies upon.
dependencies.provides false Specifies how the current bundle can be used to satisfy a dependency.
dependenices.provides.interface.id false URI of the interface that this bundle provides. Usually a well-known name defined by Porter or CNAB.
dependencies.requires true A list of bundles that should be executed with this bundle.
dependencies.requires.name true A name for the dependency, used to refer to the dependency using the template syntax bundle.dependencies.NAME.
dependencies.requires.bundle.interface false Criteria for allowing a bundle to satisfy a dependency.
dependencies.requires.bundle.interface.reference false An OCI reference to a bundle to use as the interface on top of how the bundle is used.
dependencies.requires.bundle.interface.document false Document specifies additional constraints that should be added to the bundle interface.
By default, Porter only requires the name and the type to match, additional jsonschema values can be specified to restrict matching bundles even further.
The value should be a jsonschema document containing relevant sub-documents from a bundle.json that should be applied to the base bundle interface.
dependencies.requires.bundle.reference true A full bundle reference that can be used as the default implementation of the bundle in the format REGISTRY/NAME:TAG.
dependencies.requires.bundle.version false Semver v3 constraint used to select a more recent release of the bundle. May use wildcard syntax such as 1.0.x or 2.*. Use vX.Y.Z-0 to allow prerelease versions to be resolved by Porter.
dependencies.requires.credentials false A map of credential names to their value or source. May use templating such as ${ bundle.credentials.NAME}.
dependencies.requires.parameters false A map of parameters names to their value or source. May use templating such as ${ bundle.parameters.NAME}.
dependencies.requires.sharing false A set of rules for sharing a dependency with other bundles.
dependencies.requires.sharing.mode false The sharing mode defines how a dependency can be shared: none, group. Defaults to group.
dependencies.requires.sharing.group false A sharing group defines matching criteria for determining if two dependencies are in the same sharing group.
dependencies.requires.sharing.group.name false Name of the sharing group. The name of the group must match for two bundles to share the same dependency.
customActions false A map of action names to a custom action definition.
customActions.NAME.description false A description of the action.
customActions.NAME.modifies false Specifies if the action will modify resources managed by a bundle in any way.
customActions.NAME.stateless false Specifies that the action could be run before the bundle is installed and does not require credentials.

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