Connect to Docker

Connect to Docker

Some Porter commands connect to a Docker engine in order to build, push, and pull the bundle image. Learn how to configure Porter to connect with various Docker configurations.

Connect to the local Docker engine

Porter defaults to connecting to the local Docker engine and no additional configuration is required.

Try it out by running porter install --reference

Connect to a remote Docker engine

Porter uses the standard Docker environment variables to connect to a remote Docker engine:

  • DOCKER_HOST: The host name and port of the remote Docker engine.
  • DOCKER_CERT_PATH: The local directory containing the certificates necessary to connect to the remote Docker engine. By default, Porter looks for ca.pem, cert.pem, key.pem in ~/.docker/certs.
  • DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY: When this environment variable is set, Porter will use TLS to connect to the remote Docker engine. If the value is not true, the TLS certificates will not be verified.

Below is an example of how to set and use these environment variables.


export DOCKER_HOST=""
export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY="true"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/home/me/example-certs"

porter install --reference



porter install --reference

Additional Supported Docker Settings

Porter supports additional Docker environment variables that may be useful to you:

  • DOCKER_NETWORK: Specifies the name of an existing Docker network that Porter should use when running Docker containers.
  • DOCKER_CONTEXT: Specifies the name of an existing Docker context that Porter should use when running Docker containers.

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