Porter Operator Resources

Porter Operator Resources

The Porter Operator provides custom resource definitions (CRDs) that you can use to interact with Porter and control how it is executed. Though both Porter and Kubernetes has the concept of names, namespaces and labels, the resources do not reuse those fields from the CRD, and instead uses the values as defined on the resource spec. This allows you to run the operator in a Kubernetes namespace, and target a different Porter namespace because although they both use the term namespace, there is no relation between Kubernetes namespaces and Porter namespaces. The same goes for the name and labels fields.


See the glossary for more information about the Installation resource.

The Installation spec is the same schema as the Installation resource in Porter. You can copy/paste the output of the porter installation show NAME -o yaml command into the Installation resource spec (removing the status section).

In addition to the normal fields available on a Porter Installation document, the following fields are supported:

Field Required Default Description
agentConfig false See Agent Config Reference to an AgentConfig resource in the same namespace.


See the glossary for more information about the CredentialSet resource.

The CredentialSet spec is the same schema as the CredentialSet resource in Porter. You can copy/paste the output of the porter credentials show NAME -o yaml command into the CredentialSet resource spec (removing the status section).

In addition to the normal fields available on a Porter Credential Set document, the following fields are supported:

apiVersion: getporter.org/v1
kind: CredentialSet
  name: credentialset-sample
  schemaVersion: 1.0.1
  namespace: operator
  name: porter-test-me
    - name: test-credential
        secret: test-secret
Field Required Default Description
agentConfig false See Agent Config Reference to an AgentConfig resource in the same namespace.
credentials true List of credential sources for the set
credentials.name true The name of the credential for the bundle
credentials.source true The credential type. Currently secret is the only supported source
credentials.source.secret true The name of the secret


See the glossary for more information about the ParameterSet resource.

The ParameterSet spec is the same schema as the ParameterSet resource in Porter. You can copy/paste the output of the porter parameters show NAME -o yaml command into the ParameterSet resource spec (removing the status section).

In addition to the normal fields available on a Porter Parameter Set document, the following fields are supported:

apiVersion: getporter.org/v1
kind: ParameterSet
  name: parameterset-sample
  schemaVersion: 1.0.1
  namespace: operator
  name: porter-test-me
    - name: test-secret
        value: test-value
    - name: test-secret
        secret: test-secret
Field Required Default Description
agentConfig false See Agent Config Reference to an AgentConfig resource in the same namespace.
parameters true List of parameter sources for the set
parameters.name true The name of the parameter for the bundle
parameters.source true The parameters type. Currently vaule and secret are the only supported sources
oneof parameters.source.secret parameters.source.value true The plaintext value to use or the name of the secret that holds the parameter


See the glossary for more information about the AgentAction resource.

apiVersion: getporter.org/v1
kind: AgentAction
  name: agentaction-sample
  args: ["installation", "apply", "installation.yaml"]
    # base64 encoded file contents
    installation.yaml: c2NoZW1hVmVyc2lvbjogMS4wLjAKbmFtZXNwYWNlOiBvcGVyYXRvcgpuYW1lOiBoZWxsbwpidW5kbGU6CiAgcmVwb3NpdG9yeTogZ2hjci5pby9nZXRwb3J0ZXIvdGVzdC9wb3J0ZXItaGVsbG8KICB2ZXJzaW9uOiAwLjIuMApwYXJhbWV0ZXJzOgogIG5hbWU6IGxsYW1hcyAK
Field Required Default Description
agentConfig false See Agent Config Reference to an AgentConfig resource in the same namespace.
command false /app/.porter/agent Overrides the entrypoint of the Porter Agent image.
args true None. Arguments to pass to the porter command. Do not include “porter” in the arguments. For example, use [“help”], not [“porter”, “help”].
files false None. Files that should be present in the working directory where the command is run.
env false Settings for the kubernetes driver. Additional environment variables that should be set.
envFrom false None. Load environment variables from a ConfigMap or Secret.
volumeMounts false Porter’s config and working directory. Additional volumes that should be mounted into the Porter Agent.
volumes false Porter’s config and working directory. Additional volumes that should be mounted into the Porter Agent.


See the glossary for more information about the [AgentConfig] resource.

apiVersion: getporter.org/v1
kind: AgentConfig
  name: customAgent
  porterRepository: ghcr.io/getporter/porter-agent
  porterVersion: v1.0.0
  serviceAccount: porter-agent
  volumeSize: 64Mi
  pullPolicy: Always
  installationServiceAccount: installation-agent
    schemaVersion: 1.0.0
        version: v1.0.0
Field Required Default Description
porterRepository false ghcr.io/getporter/porter-agent The repository for the Porter Agent image.
porterVersion false varies The tag for the Porter Agent image. For example, vX.Y.Z, latest, or canary. Defaults to the most recent version of porter that has been tested with the operator.
serviceAccount true (none) The service account to run the Porter Agent under. Must exist in the same namespace as the installation.
installationServiceAccount false (none) The service account to run the Kubernetes pod/job for the installation image.
volumeSize false 64Mi The size of the persistent volume that Porter will request when running the Porter Agent. It is used to share data between the Porter Agent and the bundle invocation image. It must be large enough to store any files used by the bundle including credentials, parameters and outputs.
pullPolicy false PullAlways when the tag is canary or latest, otherwise PullIfNotPresent. Specifies when to pull the Porter Agent image
retryLimit false (none) Specifies the number of tries an agent job will run until it’s marked as failure
pluginConfigFile false (none) ] The plugins that porter operator needs to install before bundle runs
pluginConfigFile.schemaVersion false (none) The schema version of the plugin config file
pluginConfigFile.plugins..version false latest The version of the plugin
plugiConfigFiles.plugins..feedURL false https://cdn.porter.sh/plugins/atom.xml The url of an atom feed where the plugin can be downloaded
plugiConfigFiles.plugins..url false https://cdn.porter.sh/plugins/ The url from where the plugin can be downloaded
plugiConfigFiles.plugins..mirror false https://cdn.porter.sh/ The mirror of the official Porter assets
[AgentConfig]: /operator/glossary/#agentconfig

Service Account

The only required configuration is the name of the service account under which Porter should run. The configureNamespace action of the porter operator bundle creates a service account named “porter-agent” for you with the porter-operator-agent-role role binding.


See the glossary for more information about the PorterConfig resource.

ℹ️ The PorterConfig resource uses the same naming convention as the Porter Configuration File, hyphenated instead of camelCase, so that you can copy/paste between the two without changing the field names.

apiVersion: getporter.org/v1
kind: PorterConfig
  name: customPorterConfig
  verbosity: debug
  default-secrets-plugin: kubernetes.secrets
  default-storage: in-cluster-mongodb
    - name: in-cluster-mongodb
      plugin: mongodb
        url: "mongodb://mongodb.porter-operator-system.svc.cluster.local"
Field Required Default Description
verbosity false info Threshold for printing messages to the console. Available values are: debug, info, warning, error. (default “info”)
namespace false (empty) The default Porter namespace. Used when a resource is defined without the namespace set in the spec.
experimental false (empty) Specifies which experimental features are enabled. See Porter Feature Flags for more information.
default-storage false in-cluster-mongodb The name of the storage configuration to use.
default-secrets false (empty) The name of the secrets configuration to use.
default-storage-plugin false (empty) The name of the storage plugin to use when default-storage is unspecified.
default-secrets-plugin false kubernetes.secrets The name of the storage plugin to use when defaultSecrets is unspecified.
storage false The mongodb server installed with the operator. A list of named storage configurations.
secrets false (empty) A list of named secrets configurations.